Thursday, August 27, 2020

Recount writing about lily day


writing about lily day 

Hello my name is Lily I went to the coffee shop on my way to university. I rode my bike to university.I had my helmet on my head. In the morning I pick my bag with my laptop,


my headphones, my book and pencils , my pencils case. I made sure that I Brought  my phone with me.

So I could ring if my bike chain broke. Oh no I heard a pop. I looked down  and saw that my tyre had burst. 

I  called lucy and she had to come and pick me up In her car. She  drove me to university so I was not late.

I was thankful that I had all my things in my bag and that i was not late for my class,s It was a crazy morning  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

My recipe

My recipe 

In my class we learnt how to create recipes and instructions. I did a recipe about how to make brownies. We had to do every ingredient and measurement bit by bit, we could write any recipe but we had to put a twist in it or change some ingredients in it so we could understand it. It was very fun and hard to but there were more fun parts.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

my amazing holiday

 Taranaki bio

Dominated by Mount Taranaki, an almost perfect volcanic cone from which the region takes its name, Taranaki is noted for dairying, and its petrol-chemical and engineering industries. Taranaki lies on the North Island's west coast.

My Amazing holiday

One frosty night  my  mum and I went to Taranaki , we went  on the 17 of July first we opened my mum black car. Boom! The car door slammed and we got on the road. We went to  Taranaki to see my cousin who I haven't seen in a long time. We drove and drove, we got into the windy gorge road. I was getting a very bad headache. It was very bad. I went to bed so I didn't get a bad headache so then we got to Kawakawa. We drove through Kawakawa all the way.

Then we got to Whangarei and we are still on the road. It was so long! We finally got to Auckland and we stopped to eat something. The road dive was very very long. We had sushi. When you got to taranaki it looked cold! When we got outside my hands froze as quick as a cheetah can run. We immediately went to bed. And warmed up.

The next morning we went up the cold mountain. When we got up it was so awesome and I sled down then we went to go see my cousins it was awesome  we had some dinner together I love it we went to a buffet   there were a lot of food 

The next day we got to stay at home and play some games with my cousins.  Were playing fortnite it was annoying then we went to dinner for the last time and the next day we went  home I was so so sad I cried and cried


I love it and i hope we go back.